Being prepared prior to divorce or paternity mediation often helps people feel more at ease and enables them to get as much out of their mediation as possible.

With some limited exceptions, Florida courts require mediation prior to allowing couples to go to trial. In this blog, we discuss how to prepare for mediation in Florida in divorce or paternity cases.

Mediation is a private process where a neutral third person, called a mediator, helps the parties discuss and resolve disputes.

Having an experienced Orlando, Florida Family Law attorney assist you with your mediation is crucial.

Contact us today at (407) 757-2877 to discuss your case.

Get Organized for Divorce Mediation 

One way to help your divorce mediation proceed as smoothly as possible is to get organized. The starting point for organization is the completion of the Florida Family Law Financial Affidavit that includes the following:

  • Assets and Possessions. A detailed list of all the assets and possessions that you and your spouse currently own. Be sure to include all property, vehicles, bank accounts, stocks, retirement accounts, life insurance policies, and personal property that you are aware of—regardless of whether it was acquired prior to or during the marriage. The Financial Affidavit will allow you to designate which assets are considered to be non-marital.
  • Sources of Income. A list of all sources of income that you currently have. Think beyond only the income derived from working and include any funds that are received in the form of business income, investment income, social security payments, child support, pension disbursements, etc.
  • Recurring Expenses. A list of all recurring expenses that you and your spouse are currently paying. This might include payments made on student loans, mortgages, car loans, alimony or child support orders, insurance policies, etc.

Think About What You Want and What You Need

While it is not always possible for both parties to walk away from a divorce with everything that they want, it is still important that you work closely with your attorney to take time to think about what you would like to end up with and what you feel you need to have in your post-divorce life. Reflecting on what you want and need will help you sort out the range of divorce terms that would be acceptable to you.

Consider What’s Best for Your Children

If you have children, you and your attorney will closely review and discuss the Parenting Plan and  time-sharing (custody) arrangement that would suit the children’s best interests. There are a number of factors to consider, including how different living arrangements may impact the stability of their everyday lives and try to determine what would be best for them given their respective ages and personalities.

Discuss the Mediation Process With Your Orlando, Florida Family Law Attorney

Statistically, a high percentage of cases that proceed through the mediation process result in a settled resolution. To learn more about how mediation fits into your divorce, paternity, custody, or family law case, consult with a skilled attorney at FCLC Group to review your particular situation.