Florida Partition of Real Property During Divorce

Partition of Real Property in Dissolution of Marriage Actions A marital home is a significant asset and is often the source of considerable conflict between divorcing spouses. If the spouses cannot agree on what to do with a jointly owned property in a divorce proceeding, typically the marital home, either or both parties may request [...]

2022-05-27T18:07:05-04:00May 27th, 2022|

Florida Parenting Plans and Time-sharing

Parenting Plans & Time-Sharing Arrangements in Florida Florida parenting plans and time-sharing aren’t one-size-fits-all. The time-sharing schedule that works for a family will depend on their specific circumstances, including, but not limited to, the age(s) of the child(ren), the distances between the parents’ homes, and the wishes of the parties involved. There are, however, a [...]

2022-04-25T11:20:17-04:00April 25th, 2022|

Child Support Guidelines in Florida

Florida Child Support Guidelines Florida follows the “Income Shares Model.” Both parents, whether married or not, are obligated to support their children financially. When determining the amount of child support, family law courts generally follow statutory child support guidelines. Courts will estimate the amount parents would spend on children if the family were intact and [...]

2022-03-23T10:37:51-04:00March 22nd, 2022|

Dividing a Business During Divorce

Dividing a business during divorce is often a challenging and complicated process. Dividing a business in a divorce can introduce new challenges to an already complex process. Ultimately, each party must decide their intentions for their ongoing involvement in the business, as well as the best way to divide the business financially. Do you have [...]

2022-02-24T09:55:34-05:00February 24th, 2022|

Child Custody (Time-sharing) in Florida

Child Time-sharing in Florida Child custody, or what is now statutorily referred to as “time-sharing,” is the amount of time a parent shares with their child(ren), generally measured in overnights. It can be called visitation or custody, but in Florida, the proper terminology is time-sharing, and it should be reflected in a written parenting plan [...]

2021-11-22T08:26:33-05:00November 21st, 2021|

How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation in Florida

Being prepared prior to divorce or paternity mediation often helps people feel more at ease and enables them to get as much out of their mediation as possible. With some limited exceptions, Florida courts require mediation prior to allowing couples to go to trial. In this blog, we discuss how to prepare for mediation in [...]

2021-11-16T11:59:16-05:00July 19th, 2021|

Marital Settlement Agreements (Florida)

Florida Marital Settlement Agreements A Florida marital settlement agreement, also referred to as an MSA, is a contract that sets forth the terms agreed upon by a couple as it relates to their rights and responsibilities after divorce. Marital Settlement Agreements typically contain the terms of the parties’ agreement regarding financial issues, such as the [...]

2021-06-16T11:06:09-04:00June 16th, 2021|

Florida Divorce: Equitable Distribution of Assets

Equitable Distribution of Assets in Florida In a Florida divorce case, marital assets and liabilities are subject to equitable distribution. Florida's equitable distribution scheme is set out in s. 61.075, Florida Statutes. The statute requires the trial court to equitably divide the spouses' marital assets and liabilities during an action for dissolution of marriage. The [...]

2021-11-16T11:59:52-05:00March 30th, 2021|

Orlando AACFL – Divorce Lawyers Adopt Innovative Solution to Help Clients and Judges

“A changing economy has resulted in an impressive group of divorce attorneys in Orlando who are proactively helping their clients by adapting to these changes with the CFL™ designation.” John Foster is an Advisory Board Member of the Orlando AACFL, and Alessandra Manes is a Founding Member of the Orlando AACFL. The organization’s mission is [...]

2021-11-16T12:00:07-05:00March 15th, 2021|