Marital Settlement Agreements (Florida)

Florida Marital Settlement Agreements A Florida marital settlement agreement, also referred to as an MSA, is a contract that sets forth the terms agreed upon by a couple as it relates to their rights and responsibilities after divorce. Marital Settlement Agreements typically contain the terms of the parties’ agreement regarding financial issues, such as the [...]

2021-06-16T11:06:09-04:00June 16th, 2021|

Florida Divorce: Equitable Distribution of Assets

Equitable Distribution of Assets in Florida In a Florida divorce case, marital assets and liabilities are subject to equitable distribution. Florida's equitable distribution scheme is set out in s. 61.075, Florida Statutes. The statute requires the trial court to equitably divide the spouses' marital assets and liabilities during an action for dissolution of marriage. The [...]

2021-11-16T11:59:52-05:00March 30th, 2021|

Orlando AACFL – Divorce Lawyers Adopt Innovative Solution to Help Clients and Judges

“A changing economy has resulted in an impressive group of divorce attorneys in Orlando who are proactively helping their clients by adapting to these changes with the CFL™ designation.” John Foster is an Advisory Board Member of the Orlando AACFL, and Alessandra Manes is a Founding Member of the Orlando AACFL. The organization’s mission is [...]

2021-11-16T12:00:07-05:00March 15th, 2021|

The Importance of a Holiday Schedule in a Parenting Plan

The Right Parenting Plan Can Make All the Difference During the Holidays The holiday schedule in a parenting plan is a portion of the visitation schedule that addresses where your children will be for each holiday.  When co-parents are getting along, it’s easy for them to think that they don’t need to create a detailed [...]

2021-11-16T12:01:18-05:00December 31st, 2020|

More on Collaborative Divorce

A Follow-up on Collaborative Divorce In our last blog post, we discussed five key points about collaborative divorce. Some other questions that surfaced about the collaborative law process include the following: What is a collaborative attorney? The Florida statute (the Collaborative Law Process Act) simply defines a collaborative attorney as an attorney who represents a [...]

2021-11-16T12:02:09-05:00September 24th, 2020|

5 Key Points on Collaborative Divorce

An emerging trend in the field of alternative dispute resolution, the collaborative divorce process is a structured and cooperative out-of-court approach for those in a legal dispute. The goal of collaborative divorce is to come to a solution in a positive, results-focused setting. Family Complex Litigation & Collaborative Group is devoted to the resolution of [...]

2021-11-16T12:03:42-05:00August 22nd, 2020|

Court-Ordered Health Insurance After Divorce in Florida

Post-Divorce Health Insurance in Florida While one spouse may be court-ordered to maintain the health insurance for the children after the divorce, he or she is not responsible for maintaining the health insurance for the other spouse. Since there must be no gap in coverage, consider your options, and discuss health insurance early in divorce [...]

2021-11-16T12:04:10-05:00June 22nd, 2020|

How the Coronavirus Impacts Florida Parenting Plans

Parenting plans are effective tools that are specifically designed to further the best interests of the children. Of course, parenting plans cannot realistically address all potential issues that may surface during the course of co-parenting the children. One such unanticipated issue in the Coronavirus or COVID-19 crisis, and a question may be: How will this [...]

2021-11-16T12:04:34-05:00March 26th, 2020|

How Long Does a Divorce Take in Florida?

The simple, blanket answer to "how long does a divorce take in Florida" - it generally takes between three and 24 months to complete a divorce in the state of Florida. However, many factors determine the amount of time it takes to finalize your divorce, including whether it is uncontested or contested. Regardless of what [...]

2021-11-16T12:04:53-05:00March 25th, 2020|

Tips for Surviving the Holidays After Divorce

While everyone is spreading holiday cheer, you may be wondering how you’re going to cope with your first holiday season post-divorce. We work with many clients who experience the holidays shortly after their divorce is final. We understand that everything may look and feel different now and celebrating may be the last thing on your [...]

2021-11-16T12:05:28-05:00December 18th, 2019|