John Foster Named Super Lawyer 2019

John Foster Named Super Lawyer 2019 FCLC Group attorney John Foster is named Super Lawyer 2019. This is his eighth consecutive year receiving the honor. John’s recognition comes after he demonstrated excellence in the practice of law. The selection process is rigorous and results in third-party validation of John’s professional accomplishments. Being named Super Lawyer [...]

2020-01-31T00:21:57-05:00June 10th, 2019|

John Foster Included in 25th Edition of the Best Lawyers in America©

John Foster Included in 25th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America© FCLC Group attorney John Foster was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 25th edition of The Best Lawyers in America©. John has more than 37 years of experience and his practice now focuses exclusively on the resolution of complex [...]

2021-11-16T12:10:45-05:00October 1st, 2018|